Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tyler's Work Training

With Tyler's new job he had a three week training in Colorado. For those of you that know Ty, you know he does not like to leave us girls. We geared up for him leaving for awhile and it was really tough but we made it through the whole three weeks. Not without help from my in laws, friends and parents. Seriously, without them I would have been a wreck considering all the crap that was going on.
We tried to stay busy and get lots done while Ty was away. There was lots of playing and packing going on.

My wonderful in laws came the day after Tyler left to help. They were suppose to come that next weekend but I had a few health things come up and they came to the rescue. It was so helpful and they stayed 5 days. It was great! As you can see, Ivy and Gwen received royal treatment.

We played at the park a lot!

We visited the carousal with friends. As you can see, Ivy and Sawyer have a little bit of a height difference. They are only a few months apart and both the each end of the growth charts.

I can't believe we survived three weeks without Dad. I didn't think it could be done and I never want to do it again!

1 comment:

Teri Wadman said...

Having no Daddy around is definitely tough. That pic of Sawyer and Ivy is crazy, I knew there was a difference but not that much until I saw that pic.