Monday, April 14, 2014

Conference Weekend

We were all excited for conference weekend because it meant lots of hanging and relaxing at home. I feel like we have been so busy that we were looking forward to a nice weekend at home. We did lot of this...lounging!
 I thought I would try to entertain Ivy much as possible during conference with a few quiet activities. Ivy is VERY BUSY all the time so it was a hard task but she actually did really good.
I filled Easter eggs with treats and/or activities with the apostles pictures on them. When an apostle spoke she got to find their picture on the egg and open it. She loved it! We had play dough, coloring pages, candy and more.
 I also had treat cups with special words. She had to listen and when she heard the special key word she got a treat. She was a little too young maybe but Ty and I helped her.
 Gwen has been loving her saucer and so does Ivy. The two of them love playing together.
What a fun weekend! Filled with family, relaxing and uplifting talks!

1 comment:

Teri Wadman said...

Love the easter egg idea. Need to do that next conference time!